Monday, May 4, 2009

PowerPoint Content Management linked to Wiki server?

I guess I'm looking for several solutions.

First, I need a solution to publish PowerPoint files for the web and allows me to manage its content. So if I change the text and links, the server would publish the changes on the fly.

Second, I'm looking for a way to link the PowerPoint files or really the content of them... so that "keywords" in the files will be linked to a wiki server. I guess this way when some one clicks on a link in the file a definition for that keyword pops up.

uggg... i have a headache.

PowerPoint Content Management linked to Wiki server?
Your first question about Content Management is largely dependent on the website framework (underlying technology).

CMS website frameworks which will do what you require include






(and the list is probably hundreds long)

As to your second question...

Depends I guess on whether you have control over the Wiki or whether you intend to link to a public resource.

Some technologies you can embed into your content which will do what you ask or at least contribute to a solution




I'm not exactly clear what you have in mind for your second question, I've suggested ways for others to discover your content and interpret in an organized manner, but you can also actively create links in the underlying HTML of your PPT content that links to specified resources.

Addendum to my original post to refelct additional details...

I wonder if what you really is an RSS aggregator embedded or replacing your Wiki. Then, if your PPT or Flash text content changes, a summary with changes would automatically be pushed to your Wiki/RSS aggregator. Since RSS only supports text, you wouldn't be able to support Flash very well, but you can get around that by embedding tags, alt text and the like to describe any images.

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