Thursday, November 19, 2009

Breast implants linked to suicide risk? What is right about this article?

I saw this headline: "Breast implants linked to suicide risk" and this byline in the LA Times: "A report says that women who have had the increasingly popular surgery are three times more likely to kill themselves later."

Personally, I hate the idea of risking your life to have bigger breasts, or any type of elective surgery but I'm the practical sort and hate hospitals (I'm not referring to reconstructive breast surgery for breast cancer survivors).

-But something about this study didn't sound right. What is the percentage of women who killed themselves who had other types of cosmetic surgery, or is it just this type of cosmetic surgery?

-What are the rates of suicide among women who consider breast surgery, but decide not to have it done?

-This surgery was suppose to help women feel better about themselves...or is this just a scam to prey on women's fears?

Breast implants linked to suicide risk? What is right about this article?
Evidently there is a lack of psychological screening prior to surgery - not just in the USA but in Australia too. I always assumed that pre-surgery counselling was mandated - surprise, surprise, it's NOT. Not all plastic surgeons are created equal - as a surgeon you can hang a shingle on your door with no training specific to this field (in Ontario, saw a news story 'bout this). Regulation of this highly profitable industry is lacking - and so it should come as no surprise that assessing patients' motives for surgery and expectations are not explored. According to the following Aussie article 'women who had breast reductions reported high rates of satisfaction ...People who had rhinoplasty, or nose-jobs, or facial work had more mixed results.' This problem is not limited to narcissistic, 'stuck-up women', as at least one poster here has erroneously implied. Body dysmorphic disorder is found in both genders, and I would hazard a guess that a helluvalot of male BODY BUILDERS are afflicted:

'One in 10 people who undergo elective plastic surgery may experience psychological problems afterwards, according to Melbourne researchers.

A review of 37 studies into cosmetic procedures and their outcomes for 3542 patients showed that young men, those with a history of depression and people with unrealistic expectations were at risk.

"People with a psychological condition called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), characterised by an obsession with an imagined physical defect, were over-represented among cosmetic surgery patients, said Professor Castle.

"As psychiatrists we see people with body dysmorphic disorder who have commonly had surgery," he said. "They are referred to us because they have been so unhappy with the outcome or gone back and back to the surgeon or have even tried to do plastic surgery on themselves."

Up to 2 per cent of the population suffer from BDD, but surveys suggest that 7 to 15 per cent of cosmetic surgery patients have the condition...

"It is almost by definition that they'd be unhappy with the surgery because the surgery itself cannot deal with psychological problems,"...
Reply:I would need to read the actual report. If you have a chance to visit any library, request:

Invited Discussion: Excess Mortality From Suicide and Other External Causes of Death Among Women With Cosmetic Breast Implants.

Invited Discussion

Annals of Plastic Surgery. 59(2):124-125, August 2007.

Sarwer, David B. PhD
Reply:More and more plastic surgeons are having their patients go to see psychiatrists before having any kind of surgery done. Some women seem to think that plastic surgery will cure all of their problems when it doesn't.

I mean, before they have small breasts and feel like crap about themselves and after they have large breasts and feel like crap about themselves.
Reply:Women who get these implants may be more "desperate" than average, with worse-than-average impressions of their own body, and thus might be more likely to commit suicide.

Furthermore, if a woman gets breast implants and finds that those don't solve her problems (loneliness or whatever), then if she felt that the implants were "her last hope", she might be more likely to consider suicide.

I emphasize that these are theories; I don't know of any research studies on this topic.
Reply:Women who get implants are attention seekers, they think they can't be successful without them (having larger breasts). They have no self respect for themselves. Pretty selfish, self centered and greedy. No offense, they are just stuck up women.
Reply:The breast implant is incidental. All that was discovered was that among the breast-implant girls there are plenty of flakes.
Reply:I think I would agree with the article. Yea it may seem a little far fetched, and may not be something you can prove. But I think that if a woman is getting or has had cosmetic surgery, they are doing it for one reason- To look better. If you look better, you feel better. "most of the time'. Its the other percent of the time that cosmetic surgery didnt give women the satisfaction that they were in search of.... Maybe the women who were hoping to get more attention and got cosmetic surgery.... werent getting the attention they hoped for. That in turn makes a human more depressed than before the surgery... which leads to suicide.
Reply:I heard about the same thing on the news. My opinion, and maybe it's not right, if women who choose this kind of surgery, they are insecure with themselves. And if the surgery goes wrong, they can be miserable. At any rate, they are not happy with themselves physically, and that can cause low self-esteem and unhappiness.
Reply:I believe that this passage from the article explains some of the problem:

"Previous studies have shown that as many as 15% of plastic surgery patients have body dysmorphic disorder, a condition marked by severe distress over minor physical flaws. People with the disorder have a higher rate of suicidal thoughts and rarely improve after surgery."

Edit: While individual women may feel a lot of pressure to conform to certain images of beauty, it should also be considered that emotional self-indulgence is generally encouraged by feminist theory and by many in the therapeutic professions, though neither group would call it that. One outcome of this "validation" of feelings is that little attention is paid in Western conventional wisdom to the dangers of the compounding of emotions, as occurs in panic attacks and self-amplifying depressions. feminism also gets off on blaming social problems on the "patriarchy", and eating disorders are a key example, but it is the fashion industry that sets the stick-figure beauty standards, and this industry includes very few heterosexual males. Heterosexual males prefer their women "with a little health on 'em", as I once heard it put, for the most part, and are not guilty as charged.

___Also to be considered is the boom in that very same industry since the rise of feminism. Women have a lot more money and a lot more choices, and both of these are exploited by many to shop till they drop. Many a child-support-paying father has complained about the amount of support that goes to his ex-wife's wardrobe, only to hear, "I need these clothes for my career." This is one of the much-vaunted changes women have wrought on the workplace, that is, making it a place of wardrobe competition.

___The human practice of competition is often said to be a masculine thing, but it has a feminine aspect, that is, of course, ignored by feminists. To view the masculine notion of striving, one has to look to the writings of the dead white men of antiquity and the Middle Ages, when there really was a patriarchy, not the weak, nominal "patriarchy" that prevails today when man have to at the very least buy into some moderately feminist doctrines to get elected, and at most, are almost totally whipped by it intellectually. At any rate, an authentic patriarchy defines masculine striving over against one's context, guided not by comparison to other persons, but by the guidance of abstract ideals. One competes against one's own earlier performances, or against the constraints of the status quo. This was a central issues during the flowering of Classical Greece, when the earlier, more tribal traditions were being overcome, and the argument about whether one learned philosophy to win argments or to pursue truth is mentioned in 4 or 5 of Plato's dialogues. If one accepts the historical evidence that prehistoric cultures tended to be more feminized in both social structures and theology, then one can see at least a faint association of the more modern notion of competition as an inheritance of those earlier cultures.

___And so it is today. If one considers the notion of human striving and empowerment, and relationalizes it, as Carol Gilligan does with women's psychology, then striving becomes competition in comparison to other persons, or the modern notion.

___Feminism isn't very good at questioning assumptions. It pretty much takes the 600-year-old trend toward increasing emphasis on sensuous experience for granted, as it does for the trend towards validating the role of emotions in human affairs that began implicitly in the Renaissance, and became explicit in the 18th century. It goes along with the trend to increasingly define "person" in passive terms (conventionally, in terms of genetics or upbringing and social influence), while a person's own power and responsibility for the consequences for self-chosen acts falls out of fashion. This is the basis for feminism's victim arguments, but this trend also treats personal responsibility as a fantasy, and undermines the very basis for ethical and moral thought. Feminism also calls it's alterations of social arrangements "radical", despite the fact that "radical", like "radish" comes from the Latin stem meaning "root", and the alteration of superficial but important social arrangements, in accordance with the underlying conventional assumptions of modernity, is anything but radical. This sort of fundamental lack of perspicuity prevents feminism from understanding just how intellectually unimaginative it really is.

___Women who get breast implants are presumably mostly heterosexual non-feminists. In one sense, they enjoy the benefits and difficulties that feminism has effected on the larger culture, among them the "freedom" of emotional self-indulgence and the "freedom" (and consequent competitive necessity, since "everybody" does the same) to spend huge amounts of disposable income on appearance items, like clothes and plastic surgery. (Plastic surgery in general is another business that has boomed with the increase in women's freedoms.) Now, while the feminist portion of women with low self-esteem get to blame men for all their problems, non-feminist women with self-esteem problems are caught in the sexual turmoil of wanting to increase their attractiveness to the opposite sex, while having no brakes on the extremities that can be exploited to that end.

___The fixation that some men have for breasts is a big influence here, but then again, before plastic surgery, small breastedness didn't make all that much difference to whether or not women would get married. Furthermore, the recent proliferation of pornography correlates historically with the rise of feminism, and authentically patriarchal civilizations have little toleration for it. In fact, most authentically patriarchal civilizations have little toleration for sex other than for procreation, and this is part of a more general fear of the dangers of letting one's passions run away with one. The sexuality of today's men also makes men more easily manipulated by women, so while pornography may be repugnant to many feminists, it happens to serve the purpose of women's empowerment, even though it does so in ways that feminists prefer to avoid discussing.

___This problem isn't only a problem of male sexual preferences influencing women. A big chunk of the problem is one of the unintended consequences of feminism. But surely, this must sound like blasphemy to feminists.
Reply:I find it interesting that Western countries decry genital cutting in other countries yet encourage women to mutilate themselves in pursuit of beauty.

Anyone who must have themselves cut in order to increase their feeling of self esteem is psychologically in trouble to begin with. Once that surgery is completed and they realize they have just spent an enormous amount of money,and undergone a great deal of pain and their life has not changed one iota they must feel devastated.

Girls are so devalued to begin with that they focus on their physical appearance to bring them all the self love and happiness they should simply have in the first place.

I agree that this would certainly cause a great deal of mental distress and could lead to a higher instance of suicide. After self mutilation that would just make sense, not to mention the fact they may have lost all sensation in the nipple area and suffer from other side affects that are detrimental.

Excellent question thanks for the article.
Reply:I think it's more about the fact that many women who get implants are insecure, and unhappy. Theswe are both major reasons for suicide...
Reply:It is sad but it makes sense to me. For some it might be the impossible quest for perfection, happiness, youth, attention etc. It will make them happy, attract a mate etc but reality may fall short of expectations. You are really the same person and same age with the same problems you just have bigger breasts. Some, and it only takes a few percent to shift the data, may have serious problems and should be in therapy but some plastic surgeons overlook that in the screening.

My guess is the risk is somewhat higher for all elective cosmetic surgery - if a person has a big nose and gets a nose job without thinking it is going to drastically change their life - there is probably no more risk.

If a linked list says something like node 2 = node 4 would that delete node 3, if not what would it do?

If a linked list Says something like node 2 = node 4 would that delete node 3, if not what would it do?

If a linked list says something like node 2 = node 4 would that delete node 3, if not what would it do?
Not necessarily. The way you have it written means that node 4 would get copied into node 2, and that would really screw up your list.

The way linked lists are usually coded, you have:

node1-%26gt;next = node2;

node2-%26gt; next = node 3;

node3-%26gt;next = node 4;

node4-%26gt;next = NULL;   /* end of list */

That is, the next member of the node structure would point to the next node in the list.

If you wanted to remove node3 from the list, you would set:

node2-%26gt;next = node4;

Note that the memory allocated to node3 would still be out there floating around, which is kind of messy.
Reply:Although if you're talking about the pointer (inside node 1) being replaced from 2 to 4, then it would remove both 2 and 3.

Royal Family linked to Oganized crime?

The Royal Family richest family in Britain, head of masonic lodge ,

masonic lodge has been linked to organized crime, and the art of controliing populations to maintain power and wealth, therefore it stands to reason that they control the police which infact control crime by maintaining public safty by protecting and serving the public , since organized crime is always a existing and on going enterprise and per Stephen knights Book the brotherhood, which has proven, masons allow the different criminal corners to exist.If your not part of the solution then you must be part of the problem. So my question is can anyone disprove this ? I site Alex Jones Web site .

Royal Family linked to Oganized crime?
I would like to know how the Royal Family is controlling populations....

Are you talking about corgis?
Reply:Dude you need to stop believing everything you read by every crackpot conspiracy theorist! None of the accusations you made can be proven either!
Reply:Yes I can just see Prince Charles swaning down the road carrying a AK47

shoe decorations

How closely linked are you?

How are you linked with the daily cycles of night and day?

Besides sleeping, how do these light and dark cycles affect your moods? Your creativity? Your mind?


How closely linked are you?
In the Fall/Winter we are on Standard time. Therefore, it's dark when I get up and dark when I leave work. I find that the absence of light affects my moods (negatively) and reduces my energy and creativity.
Reply:I'm closely linked. I am more awake at night, and feel more sleepy during the morning. I do my best work between the hours of 5pm - 12 am, and when it's a full moon - boy, do I get snappy! ;-)

Pseudocode for linked list?

A linked list pointed by H is given. Delete all the records with even indices (2, 4, 6,…)

from the list to create a second list pointed by H1.

Can anyone help me write a psedocode for this

Pseudocode for linked list?
Since you are to produce a second list, you just have to walk through the first list and copy every other element over.

Create new list.

H1 = NewList;

OldList.GetFirst() // item 1

Loop until done


link = OldList.GetNext() // even numbered link

NewList.AddLink(link); // add it to the new list

link = OldList.GetNext() // odd link, ignore


Power surge & the host computer internet not working but linked computer is?

We had a power surge today and we have two computers networked - they are linked by Linksys wireless G router. The linked computer's internet access is fine, but the host computer's "Local Area Connection 2" status is "limited or no connectivity". The host gets its internet access from a Siemen's Speedstream 4100 modem - all of its lights ar on (ie. Power, Ethernet, DSL, Internet) are on except for "Activity". I'm confused how the internet is not working on the host but is (thankfully) working on the linked computer. What should I do to fix this? Also, I have an extra Speedstream modem if that would help fix the problem.

I tried to access files on the host computer from the linked computer and it says it's not accessbile.

Help please! Thanks!!!!

Power surge %26amp; the host computer internet not working but linked computer is?

Connect the router (The WAN jack on the back) to the modem. Then connect each computer to one of the LAN jacks on the router. There's no reason to have one computer routing for another computer when you have a real router, and reasons to not do so.


Go to Start/Control Panel/Network Connections - then to the connection you're using, Local Area Connection if you're connecting with wires. Click on Internet Protocol, then on Properties. Make sure "Obtain an IP address automatically" is selected. Click OK until you're out of everything, then reboot.

If this doesn't give you back your connection (and an IP and a Gateway address), the ethernet card in that computer is probably bad and will have to be replaced.
Reply:Sounds like the ethernet card on your "HOST" computer is not working because of the power surge.

Im confused. Why are you calling it a host computer if you are using a router? There is no host computer when you use a router. The router shares the internet connection with the two computers. You can disconnect either computer and the other will work just fine. So many people think you need to have a wired computer on the router for it to work. A router is a stand alone device, it does not required a wired computer to be connected to it.

Is evolution linked to the Big Bang?

Many here claim evolution is not linked to to the big bang, and that they dont go together. How can you explain the midle of a story without telling the beginning?

Is hard to convince an atheist of creationism. As some one say "How to convince a blind that the colors exist?"

I dont believe a scientist just because they say evolution is true does not mean I gonna believe. On TV everything looks real. When creationists' scientist talk, they are called bad scientist, even if they come from the best Universities.

I don't say that your are wrong, to be wrong you need to know the difference between right and wrong.

You ask me to prove if God exist. I ask you to prove that he does not exist. Better yet, prove evolution is right. Is there something that looked to be designed but was not designed?

The distance between sun and earth, stars, other planets, the way oxygen works, look too good to be coincidence. Don't you think?

Is evolution linked to the Big Bang?
Michael Denton, as well as earlier science detractors, distinguished two theories of evolution in Darwin's work - the so called Special Theory of Evolution (speciation through natural selection) and the General Theory (the common descent of all organisms); these distinctions are merely academic to the vast majority of biologists.

Most creationists usually call these points, microevolution and macroevolution but some have broadened Denton's operational definition of general evolution to include any scientific fact, hypothesis or theory that disagrees with a literal translation of Genesis.

To this set of creationists, microevolution means variations within kinds; macroevolution includes the origin of major kinds but general evolution involves cosmic evolution, chemical evolution, stellar and planetary evolution, and organic evolution - every scientific issue that argues against 6 days of creation. Everyone believing in these forms of "evolution" is known as "evolutionists." Using these fraudulent terms, a creationist may claim "evolutionists" believe in an empty theory because nobody knows the details of the big bang and abiogenesis remains unexplained - that this has absolutely nothing to do with Darwin's theory of biological evolution does not seem to bother them. Most people would say it's because creationists are just not smart enough to understand, but it looks to me like they're just lying to support their agenda - every creationist website contains this sort of scientific hoax.
Reply:No, and to answer your next question it has nothing to do with gods either.

If there were no oxygen we would not be here and there would be completely different life forms breathing whatever took it's place.
Reply:Watch The Expanding Universe it was one of the best documentaries i have ever seen on this subject. It will explain most of the questions you have. Then maybe even raise new ones.You can order it on Netflix if you have it.
Reply:No, the Big Bang is cosmology, which is largely a branch of physics. Evolution deals with biology. Science has different branches to deal with different types of questions, with scientists specially skilled in a given field.

This has proven to be a much better way at understanding the world than reverting back to the same dogma from the same book of the same religion for an explanation. The latter is what you're doing, which is why you're confused over the two subjects being "linked".

%26gt;%26gt;I dont [sic] believe a scientist just because they say

%26gt;%26gt;evolution is true does not mean I [sic] gonna believe.

Nor should you. That's the difference between science and religious dogma. You can actually look up the material that backs up the scientists' claims. No credible scientist is going to lie about having discovered something he or she didn't, because they know there's always another scientist who can check his or her work, and call them on their claim. And a bad reputation only hurts a scientist, as it means it's much harder to get funding for experiements, get other things published, etc.

%26gt;%26gt;When creationists' scientist talk, they are called bad

%26gt;%26gt;scientist, even if they come from the best Universities.

That's because creationists do not do science. Instead of following the scientific method, they make ill attempts at trying to find holes in evolution, to try and give people the impression that creation is correct by default. Science doesn't work like that. The same applies for ones that "come from the best universities" (which obviously rules out people like Kent Hovind). On top of that, having a PhD on one subject doesn't automatically make you an expert in another.

%26gt;%26gt;You ask me to prove if God exist. I ask you to prove

%26gt;%26gt;that he does not exist.

I don't care about proof, so long as you're not bothering me or insisting that I "have to" believe in God. Even then, the burden of proof is on YOU, because you are making the claims about something's existence. Just as I can't ask you to "prove unicorns do not exist".

%26gt;%26gt;Better yet, prove evolution is right.

You obviously haven't read any of the millions of biology books and scientific journals published over the last 200 years:

%26gt;%26gt;Is there something that looked to be designed but

%26gt;%26gt;was not designed?

Actually, NOTHING looks like it's "designed" when you take the time to examine it:

(Oh, and Ken Miller, the biologist in this clip, is a Christian by the way)

%26gt;%26gt;The distance between sun and earth, stars, other

%26gt;%26gt;planets, the way oxygen works, look too good to be

%26gt;%26gt;coincidence. Don't you think?

Congratulations for falling for the fallacious assumption that the only two possibilities are "big invisible guy" or "coincidence". It's neither. Go look up the laws of chemistry and physics. No invisible man is needed to explain these things.
Reply:"Is there something that looked to be designed but was not designed?"

Yes the platypus.
Reply:One is cosmology.

The other is biology.

Read up on 'em sometime.

You may learn something.
Reply:"How can you explain the midle of a story without telling the beginning? "

You see, you people are just so used to stories you have to analogize things that way to understand them.

Evolution is not a 'story'. It is a scientific theory. It does not need the big bang to be true for it to be true. Evolutionary theory presupposes life.

"Is hard to convince an atheist of creationism."

Atheists are not alone in this! 95% of the scientific community accepts evolutionary theory; not NEARLY that many are atheists.

"When creationists' scientist talk, they are called bad scientist, even if they come from the best Universities."

They are called bad scientists by ACTUAL scientists.

"I don't say that your are wrong, to be wrong you need to know the difference between right and wrong."'re saying we're wrong...

"You ask me to prove if God exist. I ask you to prove that he does not exist. "

Therein lies the problem. You don't understand that the mechanisms of logic dictate that the one making the positive assertion is the one who must prove it. Otherwise people could claim all manor of absurd things without having to prove them (not that logic actually stops this kind of thing; case in point).

"Better yet, prove evolution is right."

READ A BOOK OR TWO! Evolution is supported by EVERY branch of science relevant to the theory. Cosmology, geology, linguistics (oh, yes!), physics, chemistry, etc., etc.

At least go visit the wiki!

"The distance between sun and earth, stars, other planets, the way oxygen works, look too good to be coincidence. Don't you think?"

Indeed. And we can explain every one of those without invoking a god.
Reply:Go ask this question in the Science Section.

And, being a longtime member of the National Center for Science Education, I would like to know just who are these creation scientists from the "best universities"?

William Dembski? He's in a quonset hut Bible College.

Gonsalvo Gonzales? Denied tenure for not producing research or raising grant money (and YES, that is part of achieving tenure).
Reply:You've been reading the wrong books and watching the wrong shows, boy....

Get some real information before you discuss anything...

Evolution is a proved fact, but people like you would not believe it, even though the proof hit you in the guys prefer to believe in what cannot be proved...
Reply:So, when I explain gravity, you'll be sure to say "So what, it still dosen't explain the origins of the universe."

Single one theory out based on another theory, single them all out.
Reply:To understand evolution fully takes considerable study . Much easier to just imagine some big yo-yo with a magic wand doing it all in one big preformance .

Hokus-pokus-dominokus - - - - WHAM ! there it all is .
Reply:Actually, there is a fascinating theory the life began when meteors started to pummel the earth. Wherever these meteors hit the earth there are rich supplies of gold, silver, uranium, and countless other natural resources.

It is these cosmic intruders into our earth's crust that originally laid the ground work for all life (says this theory).

So to answer your question, the earth's beginnings are just a prerequisite for the life that happened afterwards. Life depended on the existence of the planet but did not necessarily begin there.
Reply:It's just like the coincidence that the holes in a cat's fur are exactly where its eyes are.

Reply:It is in the sense that they both have happened. So it's really no more linked than how my yawn just now is linked to your waking up this morning. Despite the fact that your waking up was the beginning of the story and my yawning was the middle, I still knew when I yawned that I yawned without first contemplating your waking up.

As to proving that evolution is right, I don't really know what to say that the rest of the world hasn't already said. It confuses me that you're capable of rejecting the mountains of evidence that exist for evolution, but except the story of creation.
Reply:"I don't say that your are wrong, to be wrong you need to know the difference between right and wrong."

What a ridiculously arrogant, self-righteous statement.

All of your "questions" that you don't really want answered have already been answered a billion times in this section, even though this isn't the science section, to no avail.
Reply:Darwin's theory of evolution, already assumed that life existed.

It never attempted to explain how the planets became, or the universe became.

Read "On the Origins of Life" by Darwin, and you will then understand what the "Theory of Evolution" actually is trying to explain. You won't be so confused then.
Reply:The idea of the big collision I just came up with is probably more practical.

Evolution on the other hand is quite apparent, and my theory leaves room for that.
Reply:They are both evidence-based naturalistic explanations of existence. That's the link.
Reply:I'm really not sure there is a true question here but I'll touch on the topic.

This issue here the term evolution has been used to mean many many different extremes of the same ( or more accurately a series of scientific theories). In it's most extreme sense it can refer to the entire Atheist theory that existence came from random chance and the first step in this process was the big bang theory.

In it's least extreme sense it refers to the easily observable and verifiable theory that species change over time because genetic lines die out when those genetic traits reproductive capability of the members of the species. This usually referred to as Micro Evolution.

The point is, whether is a link between the big bang theory and evolution depends on what you mean by the term evolution.
Reply:No, evolution is not related to the big bang. One deals with biology, the other with astronomy.
Reply:Evolution is not linked to the Big Bang. This does not make either one of them false.

Because the rational people (ie not you) don't have all the answers, we obviously can't just tell you all of our history. However not knowing an intermediate step between two periods of time does not make us less credible.

Are you actually suggesting that it's more likely your god zapped the universe into existence, then focused on this dingy little planet and zapped two people? Honestly? You really shouldn't believe your mythology to be absolutely historically accurate.
Reply:the funny thing is that even if they could prove evolution to be true that still would not get rid of God
Reply:yes, but the sun can burn out also.
Reply:yeah and the universe is expanding every day
Reply:As for the big bang being related to evolution : the big bang is related to everything because it was when every piece of matter was created, so if you ask how is it related to this apple, well that apple is made of particles that were created in the big bang (or so we are told)

As far as the God question goes, I dont see such a big conflict between religion and science as what a lot of people see. Its kind of Science explains HOW and religion explains WHY. I know the bible makes out everything was made in just 7 days and science sugests that everything was made in billions of years, but what you have to remember is when it says god made this in day 1 and that in day 2, etc. this was before the Earth existed. And we only call 1 day = 24 hours because it is how long our planet takes to rotate on its axis. Before the Earth existed 1 day could be any length of time.

I have found most conflicts between science and religion can be resolved in a sensible way. Like scientests believe animals evolve over many thousands of years, but of course the procedure to allow this evolution had to be created somehow, maybe God made this procedure and put it into animals and allowed them to carry on and change.
Reply:they have nothing to do with one another... evolution has to do with life, and Gig Bang doesn't
Reply:Nope. The one has nothing to do with the other at all. They aren't even from the same branch of science.

And evolution has 150 years of testing and literally millions of fulfilled predictions. What the heck else do you want?
Reply:Only in the sense that they both are mostly based on coincidence. Praise the LORD.


Genetics sex linked problem??

In cats there is a pair of alleles for coat color which is intermediate and sex-linked. There is one gene for yellow fur and one gene for black fur, but the heterozygote has a peculiar mixture of both colour called tortoise shell. What type of kittens would resilt from a cross between a black female and a yellow male. If one offspring, when matured, is crossed to the male parent, what offspring would result?

Genetics sex linked problem??
males can not be tortoise so the following results can occur

XBXB crossed with XY(YELLOW) Y(male chromosome)

XBY 50% black males

XBXY 50 % tortoise shell females

thus the male could only mate with a tortoise shell offspring

XY(yellow) Y(chromosome) crossed with XBXY(yellow gene)

gives you

XBXY tortoise female 25 %

XBY black male 25%

XYXY yellow female 25%

XYY yellow male 25%

hope this helps impossible to corectly right this gene on the x


Trying to update on windows 2000 with service pack2 and got the error : SP2EXPRESS.EXE LINKED TO MISSING EXPORT NTDLL.DLL strstr

Go here...{:-{}.

If bipolar disorder is genetically linked, how can this help?

Hi - I'm doing a science project on Bipolar Disorder - being genetically linked (I've already found many sites to work from). I was just wondering how knowing that Bipolar disorder is genetically linked - could help? (For my hypothesis) I came up with a few answers, but none seem scientific/straight forward enough. Could anyone help? Thanks :)

If bipolar disorder is genetically linked, how can this help?
The genetic link could facilitate diagnosis. For example, if a patients father had bipolar disorder, and your current patient is exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder which are vague (or could be symptoms of a variety of other conditions), you might be inclined to more thorougly investigage bipolar illness as the cause of your patients' symptoms.
Reply:The genetic link, if there is such a thing, would be interesting to find. The "bipolar gene" or more probably, the 'bipolar genes' would be interesting to find. If it were possible to find such gene(s) one could use this to do prenatal screening as well as facilitate in the treatment and prevention of such a disorder.

Of course, this would bring all sorts of questions into light for example: is bipolar a 'true' medical illness in the sense that it is universal and not a western cultural thing?
Reply:here are a coupld of advantages of knowing bipolar disorder is genetically linked

- being "on the lookout". if parents know a child is predisposed to bipolar disorder (or if you know that you are disposed to it), they can watch for warning signs.

- easier diagnosis. rather than hemming and hawing forever, if both your parents have bipolar, the diagnosis for you will be that much easier. this has a flipside too -- doctors could diagnose biopolar without considering whether it might be something else.

- identification of genes ivolved in bipolar disorder. once scientists know exactly what genes are involved, they can begin designing medications to target those genes.

Balance a Linked List in C++?

How do I balance a linked list in C++?

To balance, I mean sorting the nodes in the list so that the node with the greatest value is at the head of the list, the second greatest node is at the end, and so on... (the data type is double)

Thanks for you help!!!

Balance a Linked List in C++?
No, he/she means this I believe:

100 98 96 95 97 99

As for how to do this...interesting question. One thought is to take the original list and sort it:

100 99 98 97 96 95

Then take a pass through, skipping every other element until the middle:

100 98 96

Then make a second pass in the opposite direction:

95 97 99

Glue these two lists together.
Reply:So you don't really mean "balance" but rather simply "sort" in descending order. Correct?

Once the list is created (or manipulated) you need a sort routine to quickly sort it. If the list will be large, like in the thousands of nodes level, then create a quicksort routine. (Search the web for libraries or code - many exist).

Otherwise, just code up a simple exchange sort for smaller lists.

shoe polish

DNA database linked to national identity cards?

Tony Blair now says he wants the National DNA Database expanded to include everyone in the UK, this to enhance the ability of the police to solve crimes. Highly commendable but critics say this will be linked to the national identity card that is one of his pet projects.No other EU country is planning anything like this DNA database for all it's citizens. There are so many possible misuses by the government of the system that it worries me.Remember your DNA can be taken if your arrested for any reason and even if found to be innocent your DNA record will be retained by the police which means the government. George Orwell in '1984' never dreamed of this!.

DNA database linked to national identity cards?
The New Labour Government smile more and appear 'citizen friendly' whilst slowly slowly changing our society into something akin to the old Soviet Union - fat cats at the top with holiday homes on the Black Sea whilst the peasants queued for bread in a police state - it was called communism [in its worst form!]

The equipment for these identity cards has already been purchased [paid for by us] and is in situ on the advice of some highly paid consultants.

All we really need is what the Greeks have - a cardboard identity card sealed in plastic with their national number and a photograph which has to be carried by law.

The cost is minimal and without fail all the Greeks carry them - all we would need to complement these would be a bar code linked to a national database and a hand held scanning device for those who check authenticity so that they could get an instant result on whether or not the card was a duplicate or forged. This way immigrants who are illegal, vagrants or criminals could be found and deported.

New Labour are creating a police state and since the banks can't even keep our financial details secure through their asian call centres what chance do we have of not having our identities stolen. The detail of what the government want to do now was not in its manifesto - I am happy to carry an identity card but not to have my life monitored by a load of nosy state employees.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Tony Blair announced that unborn children would be labelled as 'at risk' - George Orwell was far too timid in his view of the future, but then those of us who have watched Labour governments perform before know only too well that they ALWAYS screw up with their 'pseudo' commie ideas and get chucked out!
Reply:So wheres the problem? You should only worry about things like that if you have something to hide.The only people who should worry about that are the criminals,rapists and sex offenders.

So lets go for it,look at the benefits it will bring or wont bring if your an illegal immigrant.

Reply:Not sure who said "Those that would give up a little freedom for a

little security deserve neither'', but I agree! I read in yesterdays Metro that a scheme where pub landlords are being forced to adopt a scheme where you have to register on a fingerprint scanner before you're served a drink is to be extended. Pubs in the area are threatened with loosing their licence if they refuse. The UK is going down a nasty road!
Reply:My real worry what else they plan to do with this information, who else gets to see it?

Do you really need your insurance company being able to check your genes before giving you a quote on life insurance?

Or how about some crackpot scientist wrongly linking a gene you carry with violent crime?

This idea sucks, but the attitude that its inevitable sucks so much worse.
Reply:Politicians and government is all about control, they will only be happy when they can control everything we do, say and have. This will be achieved sooner than we think if we are not careful. The problem is what will they want to do then? Politicians get a great buzz out of having control over the general public it helps their personal insecurities and also shows their contempt for the average person that votes for them, we are all ignorant sheep to them and can only get through life with their control over us. Time we stood up to them before its too late!
Reply:That's a bit of a bugger isn't it, but what can we do.
Reply:"They" already have your DNA if you've been in hospital during the last 10 years. What do you think they always insist on touching you? Those yellow bins they have, they don't "incinerate" them, they send them off to a lab 2 miles under Wallingford and keep tabs on you.

Also, those guys on the train, why do you think they want to see your ticket and then put it in that DNA sampling device before handing it back to you???? Very suspicious.

Tony's men are evrywhere.
Reply:So what! Aren't we going that way regardless?
Reply:its not just the dna that will be kept the goverment want to keep a profile of people as well there bank details where they work and live and what family they have if this was succesful it would be terrible for the uk people as it would mean that it could fall into the wrong hands and if your honest would you want the local police where you live knowing the ins and outs of everything you do i would not
Reply:This governments getting way out of control they've been abusing their power for years they know the British public are fast becoming a nation of gutless sheep, we accept anything they say we need.. it's small wonder parties like the Bnp flourish in coffee coloured Britain.

ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay?

blood test: ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay

what do you know about it?

ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay?
What do you want or need to know about them?
Reply:The Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay, or ELISA, is a biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample. The ELISA has been used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and plant pathology, as well as a quality control check in various industries.

Performing an ELISA involves at least one antibody with specificity for a particular antigen. The sample with an unknown amount of antigen is immobilized on a solid support (usually a polystyrene microtiter plate) either non-specifically (via adsorption to the surface) or specifically (via capture by another antibody specific to the same antigen, in a "sandwich" ELISA). After the antigen is immobilized the detection antibody is added, forming a complex with the antigen. The detection antibody can be covalently linked to an enzyme, or can itself be detected by a secondary antibody which is linked to an enzyme through bioconjugation. Between each step the plate is typically washed with a mild detergent solution to remove any proteins or antibodies that are not specifically bound. After the final wash step the plate is developed by adding an enzymatic substrate to produce a visible signal, which indicates the quantity of antigen in the sample. Older ELISAs utilize chromogenic substrates, though newer assays employ fluorogenic substrates with much higher sensitivity. In simple terms, an unknown amount of antigen in a sample is immobilized on a surface. One then washes a particular antibody over the surface. This antibody is linked to an enzyme that visibly reacts when activated, say by light hitting it in the case of a fluorescent enzyme; the brightness of the fluorescence would then tell you how how much antigen is in your sample.

The Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) is a synonym for the ELISA.

Because the ELISA can be performed to evaluate either the presence of antigen or the presence of antibody in a sample, it is a useful tool both for determining serum antibody concentrations (such as with the HIV test or West Nile Virus) and also for detecting the presence of antigen. It has also found applications in the food industry in detecting potential food allergens such as milk, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and eggs.
Reply:The ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) can be used both qualitatively and quantitatively to measure antigen-antibody binding. Depending on what variation you use, it will detect antigen (hormones, enzymes, microbial antigens, illicit drugs) or antibody (anti-HIV in the screening test for HIV infection) in body fluids or tissue culture supernatents.
Reply:The Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay, or ELISA, is a biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample. The ELISA has been used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and plant pathology, as well as a quality control check in various industries.

Performing an ELISA involves at least one antibody with specificity for a particular antigen. The sample with an unknown amount of antigen is immobilized on a solid support (usually a polystyrene microtiter plate) either non-specifically (via adsorption to the surface) or specifically (via capture by another antibody specific to the same antigen, in a "sandwich" ELISA). After the antigen is immobilized the detection antibody is added, forming a complex with the antigen. The detection antibody can be covalently linked to an enzyme, or can itself be detected by a secondary antibody which is linked to an enzyme through bioconjugation. Between each step the plate is typically washed with a mild detergent solution to remove any proteins or antibodies that are not specifically bound. After the final wash step the plate is developed by adding an enzymatic substrate to produce a visible signal, which indicates the quantity of antigen in the sample. Older ELISAs utilize chromogenic substrates, though newer assays employ fluorogenic substrates with much higher sensitivity. In simple terms, an unknown amount of antigen in a sample is immobilized on a surface. One then washes a particular antibody over the surface. This antibody is linked to an enzyme that visibly reacts when activated, say by light hitting it in the case of a fluorescent enzyme; the brightness of the fluorescence would then tell you how how much antigen is in your sample.

The Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) is a synonym for the ELISA

Applications ;

Because the ELISA can be performed to evaluate either the presence of antigen or the presence of antibody in a sample, it is a useful tool both for determining serum antibody concentrations (such as with the HIV test[1] or West Nile Virus) and also for detecting the presence of antigen. It has also found applications in the food industry in detecting potential food allergens such as milk, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and eggs
Reply:Well - it's all in the name.

You take a sample of whatever you are going to test (in your case blood), and you are looking for the abundance of a particular factor (like HIV virus proteins for AIDS tests).

You adsorb (basically "stick down") your sample onto a substrate, and then wash off the excess.

Then you add your primary antibody. This will have been produced in an animal (like a rabbit) to specifically recognise whatever it is you are probing for. The more of your target there is, the more of these antibodies will stick onto the substrate, via your adsorbed target.

You wash again, and then add a second antibody with an enzyme linked to it. This second antibody recognises the *first* antibody (the one that has bound to your target). So again, the more target you have, the more primary antibody, and therefore the more secondary antibody (and enzyme).

Then you wash one last time, and add a substrate that the enzyme will catalyse the breakdown of. Normally, the substrate is colourless, and the product has a strong colour. You leave this for a set amount of time to react, and you look at it.

So - the more enzyme, the more the colour will have developed. This means that, the more of your target had adsorbed, the more the colour will change in the end.

Results are normally obtained by putting your substrate in a machine that detects precisely how much colour has developed (by the absorbance of light at the wavelength absorbed by the coloured product).

By comparing with a set of standards of known amounts of antibody, you can figure out how much original target there was in your sample.

Easy ;-)

Recessive X-linked traits are more likely to be expressed in a male than a female because ....?

...males are haploid for the X chromosome, while females have two copies of X.

...males are more susceptible to both X-linked and Autosomal Chromosomal Disorders.

...the Y chromosome has many genes on it compared with the X chromosome.

None of the above.

Recessive X-linked traits are more likely to be expressed in a male than a female because ....?
The first.

Females carry two X chromosomes, so a recessive disease, like hemophilia, can be masked in females if the have a good copy of the gene.

Because males are XY, and don't carry a second X, X-linked traits are more likely to be expressed. There is no good copy to compensate for the bad allele.
Reply:good question Report It

C++ structure linked list sample code?

hello everyone,

is there someone can help me to show a c languange sample code for data structure single linked list (not use class) for student case?

C++ structure linked list sample code?
Here is an example of a link list element.

struct Student {

std::string name;

int id;

Student* next;


Using this struct, you can create a linked list as follows.

Student *head;

// add a student to the list. s is inserted to the head.

void add(Student* s) {

s-%26gt;next = head;

head = s;



How do you mail merge data from linked tables in Access to Microsoft Word 2000?

I can't figure out how to mail merge data from multiple tables in Access to Word. I have a database with 3 linked tables. My table relationships are Customers-Orders-Parts. When I merge

into Word I can only merge the Name and Address from the Customers table but not the corresponding parts from the linked tables. So what I end up with is a document with only the customers name and address but without their corresponding orders. So how do I merge data from the linked tables. For example if Joe Blow ordered Brake Pads and a Power Drill, I want my word document to include his name and his orders. But word only lets me merge data from one table. to get the corresponding orders in the document I have to enter them manually. This is time consuming and inefficient. I know there's got to be a better way. Is this possible to do in word, does anyone know a better way that it can be done. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

How do you mail merge data from linked tables in Access to Microsoft Word 2000?

This can be done by creating a query in Microsoft Access that includes all of the required fields that you will need to display in the Microsoft Word mail merge document.

You will need to include all of the related tables in the query, and select the appropriate fields that contain the data. Once you have verified your results in the query data sheet, you can either:

Select the query in the database window and choose to "Merge It with Microsoft Office Word" from the Access menus


From Word, start the Mail Merge wizard, and as you work through to select Select Recipients, Browse for the database and you will then be presented with the list of tables/queries available to use in the merge.
Reply:Without knowing for sure, I suspect you need a query set up on the database that retrieve the values you want, then run it from Word.

Sorry I can't be more specific, but I'm guessing.
Reply:For a start Access and Word are not good for this. You would be better off with a serious database like mysql and using web based data control fthrough php.

Blankets are linked to sids, so what about swaddling???

i know that blankets in a crib r linked to sids so is swaddling not ok?? i always do, as they do in the hospital. is this not a blanket??

Blankets are linked to sids, so what about swaddling???
You can get a Halo or Swaddle Me sleep sack. They are warm and safe. You can use them from birth, but they are definitely recommended once your baby can wiggle out of blankets.
Reply:One theory for SIDS was teh overheating so if you look at that one then I guess that is a very good question. But the real danger with blankets is smothering adn when you swaddle the blanket is wrapped tightly to where it can not become unwrapped.
Reply:This is, but swaddling a newborn in the first month is okay. SIDS actually rarely happens in the first month of life, it's most common in 2-6 month olds. In the first month, the babies brain doesn't release serotonin yet. The experts are now suspecting that not processing serotonin correctly is the reason for SIDS.

So the short answer is that yes, a swaddling for the first month is okay. But after that any blankets are a no no until they're one.
Reply:The concern about blankets is (1) the blanket getting over the baby's face and (2) the baby getting too warm.

If the room isn't kept too warm, then swaddling is fine.
Reply:Well the new research suggests that SIDS is linked to a part in the brain that does not respond when being smothered. Most of us wake up or move but those babies don't have the reflex to move or wake up. If your baby can get free when you swaddle them, then they recommend putting half of the blanket tucked under the crib so that it can only come up so far (will only work when they are not able to move all around the crib). I used a crocheted blanket that had large holes.
Reply:Swaddling is okay because the blanket is wrapped tight around the baby, but once the baby is strong enough to kick their legs out and pull their arms out, you shouldn't swaddle. However, if your little baby likes the swaddling, you can buy sleep sacks that zip on, so the baby can't get tangled up in it like a blanket, but they can still feel snug. My son loved these until he was 4 months old and ready to sleep a bit freer.
Reply:Swaddling a newborn is great. They love the comfort of being in a closed space the way they were in the womb. But a loose blanket is a bad idea because it can go over their heads and lead to suffocation.

Try a sleep sack or warm PJ's.
Reply:Blankets aren't linked to sids - blankets can SMOTHER a baby, and overheating is linked to sids. Swaddling with a thin blanket is fine - it's the big fluffy blankets and pillows that are more likely to suffocate an infant.
Reply:well it is a blanket but the edges are wrapped around the baby not loose so they can get in the face. i swaddled my daughter also until she got to big!

How can I download all linked pdfs from a website?

I am trying to download a book. The index page has links to different chapters which open as separate pdfs. There are lot of chapters and downloading them individually is tedious. Is there any tool that can go through the index page and download all the linked pdfs?

How can I download all linked pdfs from a website?
You can use HTTrack Website Copier and configure it only to download .pdf extensions.

It's free.

Or use any other offline browser/website copier, should do the trick
Reply:You can use flashgot with firefox. Right click, flashgot all, filter , pdf.

Flashgot needs a "download manager" and you'll find links for them on flashgot site.
Reply:Use Download Accelerator(DAP), you can get it free on its website. After you install, just right click on one of the chapter and select download all with DAP.

BTW, what book are you downloading and what's the link?
Reply:Look for a program called httrack website copier. It allows the download of a page or a website

How can I download all linked pdfs from a website?

I am trying to download a book. The index page has links to different chapters which open as separate pdfs. There are lot of chapters and downloading them individually is tedious. Is there any tool that can go through the index page and download all the linked pdfs?

How can I download all linked pdfs from a website?
You can use HTTrack Website Copier and configure it only to download .pdf extensions.

It's free.

Or use any other offline browser/website copier, should do the trick
Reply:You can use flashgot with firefox. Right click, flashgot all, filter , pdf.

Flashgot needs a "download manager" and you'll find links for them on flashgot site.
Reply:Use Download Accelerator(DAP), you can get it free on its website. After you install, just right click on one of the chapter and select download all with DAP.

BTW, what book are you downloading and what's the link?
Reply:Look for a program called httrack website copier. It allows the download of a page or a website


What is linked to full and new moon?

it is linked to full and new moon?

What is linked to full and new moon?
the tides
Reply:women menstrual cycles.
Reply:werewolves and darkness?

Recessive sex-linked traits colorblindness PLEASE HELP???

In humans colorblindness is a recessive sex linked trait. What is the probablility that the children of a woman heterozygous for colorblindess and a man with normal vision would be colorblind. Explain

Please help?

Recessive sex-linked traits colorblindness PLEASE HELP???
the phenotypes for this cross would be 50% normal female, 25% normal male, 25% colorblind male.

This is a sex linked trait, which means the gene for it is carried on the X chromosome.

Females have two X chromosomes, and since the father is normal there is no chance of a female being colorblind (she may however, be a carrier)

Males only have one X chromosome, which they recieve from their mother. Since the mother is heterozygous (one dominat and one recessive) there is a 50:50 chance that her son will inherit colorblindness from his mother.

For the phenotypes, if you are using B for dominat(regular) and b for recessive (colorblind), the phenotype ratio would be:

25% X(B)X(b); 25% X(B)X(B); 25% X(B)Y; 25% X(b)Y;

you could use any letter you wanted instead of b, and the b's in parentheisis would be superscripts

How can I change the PayPal account linked to my ebay sellers account?

How can I change the PayPal account linked to my ebay sellers account? My buyer has submitted payment, but it went to an e-mail address that is not linked to any paypal account. I do have a paypal account, but don't know how to verify my Ebay sellers account is linked to it.

How can I change the PayPal account linked to my ebay sellers account?
Login to Paypal and click on "profile" then choose Auctions under selling preferences. That will show you what Ebay user account is linked to your Paypal (if any). Choose add and it will run you through the steps to link to Ebay

If your account shows as linked already, make sure the password is correct. If that still doesn't work, delete the linked account and start over (I' have to do this every 6 months or so, don't know why)

Genetic sex- linked problems?

Red-green color blindness is inherited as a sex-linked recessive. If a colorblind woman marries a man who has normal vision, what would be the expected phenotypes of their children with reference to this character? Just need help setting up the problem. Thanks

Genetic sex- linked problems?
because the trait is recessive, the woman can only show the trait if she is homozygous for it. because it is sex linked, we know it is on the X chromosome. therefore for the male to exhibit normal vision he cannot have the allele for the trait.

all male off spring will exhibit the trait because either of the woman's x chromosome will contain the gene. no female off spring will exhibit the trait because, while they would get one recessive allele from their mother, their father only has a normal x. the females would all be heterozygous for this trait.
Reply:Since the color blindness trait is recessive it we could call it (c). normal vision could be called (C).

the traits would come out Cc Cc Cc Cc in a Putnam square

which is used to demonstrate recessive and dominant traits. but anything can happen.
Reply:dunno but i know a women whos brother was colour blind, she wasnt, she married a man that wasnt but there son is so def genetic

shoe zippers

A Y linked trait is passed to?

A Y linked trait is passed from :

A) Father to Daughter

B) Mother to Daughter

C) Father to Son

D) Mother to Son

A Y linked trait is passed to?
Father to son. All males get a Y and no females do, so this is the only possible answer for a Y linked gene.
Reply:Answer is 'C' i.e. Father to Son

This is so coz' only males have Y chromosome which they obviously get from father.. and there is no chance of a female to get that trait as their sex chromosomes comprises XX and no Y is there..
Reply:C) Father to Son.

This is because the father always determines the sex of the child. The mother can only pass down an X chromosome, since she is XX, the father can pass down and X or a Y, thus determining the sex of the child. If he passes the Y, the child has to be male. Therefore the Y linked trait is passed from father to son.

Verizon Mail Linked with Yahoo, error checking verizon account?

I recently linked my Verizon email with my existing yahoo email. Now when I go to check my Verizon email online, there is a Code 1 error. First it said that this is a temporary problem, but it has now lasted 5 days...not very temporary to me. I have reported the problem to yahoo but nothing has changed yet. Has anyone had this problem? Is there anything I can do???

Verizon Mail Linked with Yahoo, error checking verizon account?
Yes my friend, I had the same problem with Verizon Yahoo. Every time I turned around Yahoo was turning into Verizon Yahoo. My Homepage, my e-mail, my browser, EVERYTHING! Verizon is greedy and needy and sneaky. I would change it back to Yahoo and two days later, Verizon Yahoo! This went on for months because I was new to it all. Finally, I called Verizon and asked for a manager, I told her how Verizon was working for ME, not the other way around and that I wanted everything Verizon Yahoo OFF my computer some time that day. I was polite, but let her know I was upset. That was a year ago and I've not had the problem since.
Reply:I would call Verizon. They are the one you are paying money to and they should be able to help. Good luck.

Sleeping less linked to weight gain? printable article

Originally published June 29 2006

Sleeping less linked to weight gain (press release)

by NewsTarget

Women who sleep 5 hours or less per night weigh more on average than those who sleep 7 hours, according to a study to be presented at the American Thoracic Society International Conference on May 23rd.

The study found that women who slept for 5 hours per night were 32% more likely to experience major weight gain (defined as an increase of 33 pounds or more) and 15% more likely to become obese over the course of the 16-year study compared with women who slept 7 hours. Women who slept for 6 hours were 12% more likely to have major weight gain and 6% more likely to become obese compared with women who slept 7 hours a night.

The study included 68,183 middle-aged women who were enrolled in the Nurses Health Study. They were asked in 1986 about their typical night's sleep, and were then asked to report their weight every 2 years for 16 years.

On average, women who slept 5 hours or less per night weighed 5.4 pounds more at the beginning of the study than those sleeping 7 hours and gained an additional 1.6 pounds more over the next 10 years.

"That may not sound like much, but it is an average amount--some women gained much more than that, and even a small difference in weight can increase a person's risk of health problems such as diabetes and hypertension," said lead researcher Sanjay Patel, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.

Dr. Patel noted that this is by far the largest study to track the effect of sleep habits on weight gain over time. "There have been a number of studies that have shown that at one point in time, people who sleep less weigh more, but this is one of the first studies to show reduced sleep increases the risk of gaining weight over time."

The researchers looked at the women's diets and exercise habits to see if they could account for part of the findings. "Prior studies have shown that after just a few days of sleep restriction, the hormones that control appetite cause people to become hungrier, so we thought that women who slept less might eat more. But in fact they ate less," Dr. Patel said. "That suggests that appetite and diet are not accounting for the weight gain in women who sleep less."

The researchers also asked women about how much they participated in exercise activities such as running, jogging or playing tennis. But they didn't find any differences in physical activity that could explain why women who slept less weighed more.

"We don't have an answer from this study about why reduced sleep causes weight gain, but there are some possibilities that deserve further study," Dr. Patel said. "Sleeping less may affect changes in a person's basal metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn when you rest). Another contributor to weight regulation that has recently been discovered is called non-exercise associated thermogenesis, or NEAT, which refers to involuntary activity, such as fidgeting or standing instead of sitting. It may be that if you sleep less, you move around less, too, and therefore burn up fewer calories."

Sleeping less linked to weight gain?
OR - people who are obese don't sleep very well due to discomfort and snoring problems.

These scientists are good at finding out trends, but way too willing to speculate on the cause.
Reply:I get 9 hrs of sleep every night..and im not skinny at think its a false thing cuz my mum gets 6 hrs of sleep and is a toothpick so..yh
Reply:Ugh, that's a long question, but let me give you a very simple answer. You don't eat while you're sleeping: while you sleep you have a zero calorie intake while your body continues to burn calories at what is called basal metabolic rate (roughly equals a calorie per kilogram - or calorie per two pounds every if you weigh 120lbs (60kg approx) you will still burn 60 calories for every hour you're asleep. This will only help slimming if your calorie output while you're asleep (basal metabolic rate multiplied by the number of hours you're asleep) is greater than you calorie output while awake. Hope this makes sense and helps answer your question.
Reply:that's scary stuff =S

i should get more

How come when I click on "manage linked sns" on aim, nothing pops up?

I want to link my 2 sns, but when i click "Manage Linked Screen Names" nothing comes up. It is annoying. It happens with some other things on there too, such as "Open AIM Today", and "Expressions". Please tell me how to fix it, or at least how to link my screen names differently, if that is possible.

How come when I click on "manage linked sns" on aim, nothing pops up?
For some reason your Internet Explorer or web browser is not starting up when you click on Links. It may be due to a bug in Aim 6 Installation. If you want to Link Screen Names you can go to this website.

shoe uppers

List of Top 5 Unit Linked Insurance Plans in India.?

II am getting several phone calls from various financial companies asking to invest money in Unit linked insurance plans. I am planning to invest some money (yearly 25,000 Rs) in any two plans which are performing well. I don't have idea about the plans and their past performance. So, I want to know the top 5 unit linked insurance plans in India by their past performance and reliability. Please advice.

List of Top 5 Unit Linked Insurance Plans in India.?
Preying on naive north americans and hoping they keep there jobs so they will always be there to pray on.

List of Top 5 Unit Linked Insurance Plans in India.?

II am getting several phone calls from various financial companies asking to invest money in Unit linked insurance plans. I am planning to invest some money (yearly 25,000 Rs) in any two plans which are performing well. I don't have idea about the plans and their past performance. So, I want to know the top 5 unit linked insurance plans in India by their past performance and reliability. Please advice.

List of Top 5 Unit Linked Insurance Plans in India.?
Preying on naive north americans and hoping they keep there jobs so they will always be there to pray on.

fake teeth

Is this linked ??

My mum has a leacky heart valve......

shes goes to the hospital with this. But for the past week she has become out of breath when walking, has palpatations and chest pains. is all this linked to her condition? She has another hospital apointment next week should she wait or dial 999 when this happens again?? its occures evey time she does light exercise ie walking going up the sairs

Is this linked ??
This Topic I have searched for you and Mom, it will help you:

Signs and symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation depend on how severely and quickly the condition develops. Most often mitral valve regurgitation is mild and develops slowly. Because you may have no symptoms for decades, you may be completely unaware that you have this condition.

When signs and symptoms do develop, they may do so gradually because the heart is able to compensate for the valve defect for some time. Mitral valve regurgitation is often first suspected when your doctor hears a new heart murmur. Sometimes, however, the disorder develops quickly, and you may experience the abrupt onset of more severe signs and symptoms. Indicators of mitral valve regurgitation include:

* Shortness of breath, especially with exertion or when you lie down

* Fatigue, especially during times of increased activity

* Cough, especially at night or when lying down

* Heart palpitations — sensations of a rapid, fluttering heartbeat

* Swollen feet or ankles

* Heart murmur

* Excessive urination.

Call on your cardiologist and take his/her opinion.

The recent complication she can develop is CCF, Infection proned and so on.

Reply:I would say its very likely to be linked and I would be phoning her GP for specific advice. The breathlessness means that she is not getting enough oxygen in her body to sustain the exercise....this will be due to the leaky valve to a degree but she could be getting fluid build up in her lungs which can be a medical the GP who will give advice based on his knowledge of your mum's condition.
Reply:She needs to take it easy until it improves. Her heart needs more rest time so the infection or strain can heal itself, unless it is some other valve problem that can not correct itself.

C Programming--linked lists and importing?

How do I import a file into a linked list?

C Programming--linked lists and importing?
A linked list is a programming construct.

So you have to write the part of the program that reads the file. Then you decide what part of the file data goes into the linked list. You also decide on what type of linked list you are creating.

Now you have that part of the program written you write the next part that does something with the linked list.

So basically it is all down to you.

Hey i linked more videos?

hey remember the last youtube video i linked well if you didnt here it is

here are some more funny ones too

i will get new ones every day so check out my questions

that guy ran the wrong way!

that ones not so funny

that has to hurt!


this one i dont know how he caught it

how did calvin catch this one

Hey i linked more videos?
Reply:this is the best
Reply:was it u that i got this one from?

if not put it in ur next one
Reply:of course the first is hillarious

He was confused


hit hard

he got up in like a second



Human ses-linked disorders.??

can you list at least two examples of Human ses-linked disorders?.. thank you

Human ses-linked disorders.??

Color Blindness
Reply:Yeah, the first person's right.

sensitive teeth

Monohybrid Sex-linked?

In humans, color vision is X-linked' the gene for color vision is located on the X chromosome but is absent from the Y chromosome. Normal color vision (XN) is dominant over color blindness (Xn). A color blind man fathers the children of a woman with the genotype XNXN

What genotype is the father?

What proportion of daughters will be color-blind?

What proportion of sons will be color blind?

Now one of these daughters marries a color-blind man.

What are the chances that their sons will be color blind?

Explain how a color blind daugher might result from this


Monohybrid Sex-linked?
The father is Xn Y0 (Y is anything since it doesn't carry the color blind gene.

Do a punett square of father and mother

______ XN | XN

Xn | XNXn | XNXn

Y0 | XNY0 | XNY0

None of the children daughters or sons will be colorblind.

Daughter genotype XNXn (she's a carrier of color blindness)

Blind man genotype XnY0

another punett square

____ XN | Xn

Xn | XNXn | XnXn

Y0 | XNY0 | XnY0

half the sons will be color blind.

A color blind daughter would occur if the carrier gene from the mother happened to be passed on. Since the only X chromosome the father has contains the color blind gene she woul get two Xn chromosomes resulting in color blindness.

Hope this has helped

Artist who linked colour to music?

I have a dim memory of hearing about an artist who linked colour to music/sound. Does anyone know who I mean?

Artist who linked colour to music?

'Kandinsky, himself an accomplished musician, once said Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul. The concept that color and musical harmony are linked has a long history, intriguing scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton. Kandinsky used color in a highly theoretical way associating tone with timbre (the sound's character), hue with pitch, and saturation with the volume of sound. He even claimed that when he saw color he heard music.'
Reply:You may be thinking of the trait/talent? of synesthesia. This may prove helpful: :))
Reply:Is it Andy Warhol?
Reply:I think that a lot of artists do that. I know that what I paint is greatly influenced by what music I'm listening to at the time. I think musicians work the same way too sometimes, in reverse. Artists of whatever kind are all influenced by one another. Part of being an artist is being aware of and interpreting your surroundings.

ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay?

blood test:ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay

what do you know about it?

ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay?
The Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay, or ELISA, is a biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample. The ELISA has been used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and plant pathology, as well as a quality control check in various industries.

Performing an ELISA involves at least one antibody with specificity for a particular antigen. The sample with an unknown amount of antigen is immobilized on a solid support (usually a polystyrene microtiter plate) either non-specifically (via adsorption to the surface) or specifically (via capture by another antibody specific to the same antigen, in a "sandwich" ELISA). After the antigen is immobilized the detection antibody is added, forming a complex with the antigen. The detection antibody can be covalently linked to an enzyme, or can itself be detected by a secondary antibody which is linked to an enzyme through bioconjugation. Between each step the plate is typically washed with a mild detergent solution to remove any proteins or antibodies that are not specifically bound. After the final wash step the plate is developed by adding an enzymatic substrate to produce a visible signal, which indicates the quantity of antigen in the sample. Older ELISAs utilize chromogenic substrates, though newer assays employ fluorogenic substrates with much higher sensitivity. In simple terms, an unknown amount of antigen in a sample is immobilized on a surface. One then washes a particular antibody over the surface. This antibody is linked to an enzyme that visibly reacts when activated, say by light hitting it in the case of a fluorescent enzyme; the brightness of the fluorescence would then tell you how how much antigen is in your sample.

What is your opinion about Linked Musicians?

This is new: Linked Musicians:, a social networking website for musicians, bands and music businesses that just went live: what's your opinion?

What is your opinion about Linked Musicians?
I think thats a pretty smart idea
Reply:I have to check it out first...thanks..

shoes agents

Ratzinger is linked to INQUISITION!?

Did you know that before being elected the new pope, Joseph Ratzinger was the dean of the congregation for the doctrine of faith, linked to the roman inquisition both, historically and in its goal? You don't believe me?

It is public information, you can read it at wikipedia:

click on "congregation for the doctrine of faith" to learn about the dark past of this organization.

No wonder why he made such controversial statements. What do you think, both, about his background and his statements?

Though I do not think anyone has the right to kill anybody in the name of any religion, I consider that his statements were ill-intentioned.

Ratzinger is linked to INQUISITION!?
Ok, honey, time to clear the air. One, there were four inquisitions in history, and the one you're thinking of, the Spanish Iquisition, was NOT santioned by the church but started by the king of Spain. Once it was discovered what was going on, the pope of that time ordered it to stop. The doctine of faith and the inquisition squad was put into place to prevent things like the Spanish Inquisiton and the two times they were used, no blood was shed.

Secondly, have you read the whole speech or just that one line? The Pope talked about tolerance and living with each other. He's a great man, one of whom I respect. My mom has had the chance to talk to him before he became pope, as did a non-christian friend of mine.
Reply:He was trained to be a nazi, in his youth. That leaves a mark too big in your mund and makes you a bad choice for a Pope, I think, no matter how much JPII loves you. Report It

Reply:I am an ex-Catholic (now a non-denominational Protestant), so I'm no fan of Catholicism. However, I think your logic is faulty.

By your reasoning, Angela Merkel, president of Germany, is a member of the National Socialist Party; or perhaps you believe that I, as a white american, am responsible for slavery?

Organizations are guided by philosophies. The evil philosophy that guided Catholics into the Inquisition no longer exists.


p.s. -- "Atheist," the Pope was not "part of the Hitler Youth movement. ALL youth were involuntarily conscripted into the Hitler Youth. It is documented that he ran away as a means of preventing himself from being involved in this organization.
Reply:He's linked to the inquisition about as much as I'm linked to the Crusades.

Ill intentioned? The Jews, Christians, and Muslims all think that one another's religion is faulted (not so much the Christians toward the Jews.) Why is it wrong for him to disclose something that he believes? After all, he's not running for a political office. He's representing a higher law. If Christianity were subject to elections of the masses (non-Christians included) it would cease to exist.
Reply:What ever be his background today he is the religious Head of a billion catholics.In this specific incident I do not think he purposely said any thing to hurt the sentiments of Muslims.It was a discussion and he was only stating what some one has said. Even so he has erred. In his position he had to be more cautious. Caesar's wife has to be beyond all suspicion! Linking him to inquisition in the present circumstances is I think unfair to him.
Reply:ah yeah, ya know though, the inquisition was along time ago. most of the world has moved on. muslims and their violence have kept on keeping on until today. they would like to drag the rest of the world back to those days, and perhaps we need to go there to deal with them. Reason does not work, appeasement does not work. islam values death and the only way to end the world wide violence is to destroy every last one of them.
Reply:How's about the Bush family?

%26lt;WASHINGTON - After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his "enemy national" partners.

The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and FBI, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law.

Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush's maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial baron for nearly eight months after the U.S. entered the war. ...%26gt;
Reply:church history is a bit more involved than what wikipedia has to say....better to get some good books on the subject and study it more in depth before forming an opinion. Consider that is islam during the middle ages was killing Christians like it is now, I think you might change your mind about defending yourself.
Reply:He was also part of the Hitler Youth movement.

His whole point was that religions hould not justify killing - he just used a bad example. He should have used examples in Catholicism to justify his point rather than pinning it on Islam.