Monday, November 16, 2009

X-linked traits!! 10 pts!!!??

would X-linked traits be more frequent in animals with more X chromosomes or an X chromosome and another chromosome?

and WHY???

X-linked traits!! 10 pts!!!??
It depends on what the trait is. If it is recessive, and it is on one x chromosome, it may not show up at all, or just as a minor trait, in a woman with this x and a normal x chromosome, because the effects of the trait are reduced by the normal chromosome.

But, if the woman should have the recessive trait on both x chromosomes, then it shows up in full force.

If the trait is dominant, one bad and one good x chromosome will still give the full effect of the trait.

If both x chromosomes have a dominant trait, it might just be the full blown trait, or if it is really bad, it could cause the woman to die.

An example:

Color blindness is an x-linked trait. Women can be a carrier if they have this trait with a normal x. This means they can pass the color blind gene to their child, but they are not color blind themselves. There is only a small chance of them getting 2 x chromosomes with the same color blind gene.

Her daughter may inherit the normal gene or the color blind gene. Either way, she won't be color blind, but may be a carrier.

If her son inherits the normal gene, he has normal sight. If he gets the color blind gene, he feels the full effect because he does not have another x chromosome to reduce the effect of the bad gene, and he is color blind.

Therefore more men are color blind than women, but the trait is passed by the mother to the son.
Reply:I answered this under your other question at:;...

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