Monday, May 4, 2009

Copying a linked Stack in C++?

I have a linked stack that I would like to copy over in to another stack so that it becomes in reverse order. How would I do that??

Basically this is how my stack is made.

struct Node


int num;

Node *Link;




stackTop = new Node;

stackTop = NULL;


void MyStack::push(int num)


Node *newNode;

newNode = new Node;

assert(newNode != NULL);

newNode-%26gt;num = num;

newNode-%26gt;Link = stackTop;

stackTop = newNode;


Theres more to the code but this is all that matters for my question.


Copying a linked Stack in C++?


// stackTop = new Node; // this "new Node" would be a memory leak

stackTop = NULL;


MyStack::( MyStack %26amp; o ) {

stackTop = NULL; // init my head

Node **ppNode = %26amp;stackTop; // point to pointer

Node * pNode = o.stackTop; // get other stack's head

while (pNode != NULL)

*ppNode = new Node; // make a new node

**ppNode = *pNode; // copy the other stack's node

(*ppNode)-%26gt;Link = NULL; // clear the new node's link

ppNode = %26amp;(*ppNode)-%26gt;Link; // point to the new node's link

pNode = pNode-%26gt;Link; // move to the other stack's next node



shoe decorations

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