Monday, November 16, 2009

Throat linked to abscessed tooth?

Went to the dentist today, and the tooth I've inquired about a few times is severely abscessed, and I'll be seeing an oral surgeon tomorrow to extract it (it could be saved, but it's a farfetched chance, plus with a $1800 price tag). I've been noticing that when I swallow, there's a bump-type thing on the very bottom of my throat near my adam's apple. It's not sore or anything, it's just there. Is this porbably linked to the abscessed tooth? I'm on antibiotics and pain meds, so I'm hoping on or the other will knock it out.

Throat linked to abscessed tooth?
on the outside or inside of your throat?

it's probably a swollen lymph node which is draining the infection away from the tooth.

i don't know what tooth is bothering you, but $1,800 is a small price to pay to retain your natural tooth. if you were to get it removed, the extraction and replacing a missing tooth can be quite a bit more costly than $1,800 if you get a partial, implant or a bridge.

if you do not fill the gap your other teeth will shift to fill the gap and you will be faced with even more problems.

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