Friday, April 16, 2010

What are some diseases linked with droughts and floods?

I know that droughts and floods are linked to some diseases. What are the names of these diseases?

They can be directly or indirectly related to floods and droughts.

Thank you!

What are some diseases linked with droughts and floods?
floodwater contaminated with human waste definately increases the chance of spreading diseases like cholera. it is not 'mostly a third world issue' (like sparky said) , rather it common occurence where flooding occurs and people drink contaminated water. If i remember clearly, there were a few reported cases in New Orleans after Katrina.

to answer your question, feacal colliform bacteria and E.coli thrive in contaminated flood water and cause dysentry, typhoid,gastroenteritis, and sometimes hepatitis A on human contact.
Reply:Diarrhea, malaria, other mosquito-borne diseases.

Cholera (a water-borne disease) is usually pretty rampant in flooded areas. Also, general sickness from human waste (more in third-world countries) where the sewage system is affected by the flooding.

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